August 21, 2024 Program Meeting

Topic: The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope: NASA’s Next Flagship Mission

Speaker: Rob Zellem BS, MSc, PhD

Dr. Rob Zellem is an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. His research focuses on the characterization of the atmospheres of exoplanets using both the transit and direct imaging methods. Rob is the Deputy Project Scientist for Communications for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope where he is the primary liaison between the Roman Project Science team and Goddard’s Office of Communications. He is also a member of the Roman Coronagraph Project Science team where he led the development of the science calibration plan. He is the Project Scientist and Lead for Exoplanet Watch, a citizen science project to observe transiting exoplanets to update their ephemerides to ensure the efficiency use of large telescope time. He is the Ground-Based Sub-working Group co-lead for Pandora, whereby he is coordinating ground-based observations to support both the operations and scientific interpretation of Pandora data. He is also a co-lead for NASA’s Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS) and a science team member for the NASA’s CASE contribution to ESA’s Ariel mission.

The meeting will be held via Zoom. See to register for the meeting.

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